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Visitors 21
Modified 2-Jul-24
Created 10-Jul-20
18 photos

Colts stay with their natal band until they reach breeding age, then their band stallions force them out. Young bachelors often join together, but as they mature they often "dog" other band stallions, trying to steal mares. This gallery shows photos of several stallions, following them from their natal bands to maturity and old age.
Bachelor Stallion GalaxyGalaxy's BandBand Stallion GalaxyGalaxy as a Satellite StallionSatellite Bachelor GalaxyJupiter and Sire Blue MoonBachelor Stallion JupiterJasperJasper's BandBand Stallion JasperJesse JamesBand Stallion JesseBand stallion Seattle and HawkBand Stallion HawkQuasarBand Stallion QuasarGringoSenior Bachelor Gringo